FIRA (the International Forum of Agricultural Robotics) was held in Toulouse between 9 and 11 December. Here are some of the robots in the spotlight at this year’s event:
- The French company Naïo Technologies presented Oz and Dino, two 100% electric autonomous agri-robots used to mechanically weed plots.
- SONY CSL presented Robotics for Microfarm (ROMI), which combines agroecology, robotics and artificial intelligence.
- One offering from Spain was VINESCOUT, which picks grapes in vineyards.
- Germany was represented by Bosch’s BoniRob, which controls weeds using conventional or organic techniques.
- The Spanish robot ChickenBoy from Faromatics is hung like a bat from the ceiling to monitor chicken welfare.
- Spoutnic from the French company TIBOT helps hens to reach the nest and lay their eggs.
- Bakus by VITIBOT is a 100% electric robot linked to a versatile platform for tillage, treatments, defoliation and vine pruning.
- SentiV by MEROPY is an agri-robot designed to autonomously monitor farm plots.
- bot’s “Weed Whacker” robot is a smart and sustainable weeding solution.
Source: Agfunder